Saturday, June 15, 2024

Travel Light?

Travel light?

Fuck that.

I want all of my shit

With me 

All the time.

I need 

Four books

Six pairs of shoes

Clothes for any occasion 

A crossword puzzle (or two)

Two computers - work and home


Craft projects that fit in my carry-on.

God forbid

I ever get


Monday, June 10, 2024

Fun with a Capital F

James Moore retired today from the Pacific Northwest Ballet, and I saw his last performance. I read that he was suffering from pain in his ankle and back, and decided to call it. 

James was is by far my favorite dancer, and we were lucky to have him in Seattle. He brought joie de vivre to his work, and he always looked like he was having the best time on the stage. He was exciting to watch, like Noelani Pantastico, Lucien Postlewaite, Carla Korbes, and Dylan Wald. (Update: I can't believe I forgot Batkhurel Bold!)

There are plenty of dancers who are technically good. Lots. They don't get on the stage if they can't do the steps.

What separates the good from the great? 

I suppose that is a question of the ages, and in this case I am only an audience member. Nevertheless, I have an unqualified and inexpert opinion.

Fun. Do they love what they are doing and have fun doing it? No doubt it is hard work, but the drive to do the hard work comes from someplace. I am sure some people toil away and are technically good dancers. Maybe they worry and fret and are perfectionists. Perfection is not fun. Fun is fun. Fun is love. Love is fun.

In his next step, James and his wife are opening ballet studios for young children in Tacoma and Renton. He said he loved the fun the kids were having as they learned to dance. 

I think I might need to borrow someone's five year old kid and check it out.