Sunday, May 10, 2015

Lauren's got a Brand New Bag; or Tale of Two Purses

This is my current purse.

I bought it for the trip to New Zealand because it is lightweight, study and has tons of pockets.  I was helping pack bags today at my son's school for their "Packs for Kids" program so kids who have food insecurity can have something to eat over the weekend, and all of the moms there had similar styled and shaped purses.  This purse is light weight, soft and very comfortable.  As a friend of mine said, "It is a mom bag."

It was decided by several members of my family that is purse was not suitable for me to wear while campaigning.  A floppy nylon bag was a little too casual to wear with a fancy skirt, a pressed while shirt and a black pumps.  I went downtown to the main shopping store and one of the sales associated helped me for an hour pick something out.

This is my new purse. 

It is a briefcase/purse.  It can fit a notebook, my calendar, and a small laptop.  I can put my campaign material in here and it stays flat and unwrinkled.  It has an over-the-body strap as well as two handles.  The handles aren't long enough for me to swing over my shoulder, so I have the bag on my arm as if I am Queen Elizabeth.  It restricts my ability to use my hands when I talk, a trait of my Italian heritage.    I can talk with one hand, but I lose my symmetry.  This purse is leather, stiff and uncomfortable since it doesn't fold against my body.  I went downtown this week to a luncheon and all of the women walking the streets had purses like this.  This is not a mom purse.

I am a one purse kind of gal.  I am not the type to have one bag for the day and other for the evening, or changing my bag to match my outfit.  I am far more practical and have a one purse for all occasions.  I have a hard time taking everything important (wallet, sunglasses, phone) out of one bag and putting in another, and then remembering to put it all back into my daytime purse.  I did that once, and found myself at the grocery store with a full cart and no wallet.  Not fun.

Now I am officially a two purse woman, and for good reason.  Yesterday, the Boy had soccer tryouts: nylon purse.  I came home, changed clothes, and went to a school district meeting while wearing candidate attire: briefcase bag.  I came home changed, and we went to the Bryant Blast and then to the Mariners game wearing mom clothes: nylon bag.  

At the Mariners game, the woman sitting behind me spilled her full beer down the back of my seat.  I was sitting up, so I was only slightly drenched.  Yet, a river of beer flowed down the steps of the stadium, and picked up my nylon bag before it was soaked. 

Yes, I need two bags.

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