Thursday, July 14, 2016

1968 v. 2016

Why? Why? Why?

What is the point?

Do they want to kill everyone until no one is left alive? Seriously. What is the point of bringing an arsenal of weapons to a night club or an elementary school? A bomb to an airport? A sniper gun to a vigil? Driving a truck through a crowd of people at a national celebration? When does it end for these people? How many people to they have to kill for it to be enough?

I was just a fetus in 1968, but I can't help think that our world is just as upside down as it was then. So far--thankfully--no major leaders have been shot like Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr.* were. We still have two political conventions to get through, though.

My daughter is at camp for a month. While there are many things I dislike about overuse of smart phones, I do like the way my daughter follows current events. She reads the feeds for CNN, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and the Washington Post to make sure she gets different political perspectives. Both of my kids knew about the shooting at the PULSE night club before I did because they read it on their smart phones.

She is without internet for the entire month. She asked me to send her clippings about the Presidential Elections and politics. I don't know if I should send her news of terror attacks or shootings. She was at camp a few years ago when there was a mass shooting at a camp in Norway. I can't decide if I am glad my kids are old enough to read the newspapers or not. Claire Adele was one during 9/11. Thankfully, she wasn't old enough to know what was going on.

Today, my kids are old enough to understand. I suppose every generation has its disasters, but I don't recall as much happening in my youth. There was a major plane crash at O'Hare when I was in elementary school when I lived in suburban Chicago. The Challenger blew up, and that was about it. Maybe I have rose colored glasses, but I don't think so.

Please let us pray for peace.

* I was just going to call him MLK, but decided to spell his full name out. I suppose it is special to be so famous that you are recognized by your initials, like JFK, FDR or LBJ. I am sure there are others, but those are the first who come to mind.

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