Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Finding My (New) Tribe

I've been pondering lately about getting a job, writing a novel and taking care of my kids. This is nothing new. I've been having this same conversation with myself since 2001. This time it is different. This time, I feel anxious when I talk to myself instead of just wondering. Why do I feel anxious now when I didn't so many years ago? Is it because being a stay-at-home has a shelf-life and mine is going to expire soon? I feel like if I don't get a job now, it will be harder the longer I wait.

While those last two thoughts are probably true, there is something else. I am missing a tribe.

  • When I worked, my co-workers were part of my tribe.
  • When I was a stay-at-home mom, I had my other stay-at-home mom friends. They were my tribe. 
  • When I started a writing class at the University of Washington, my fellow writers became my tribe. 
  • When I was a PTA volunteer, fellow parents became my tribe. 
  • When I coached my son's Lego team, the other coaches became my tribe. 
  • When I ran for School Board, my campaign manager became my tribe. (We were a very small tribe.)
  • When I joined the "get a job" group, those other moms became my tribe.

Now, I am done with volunteering and most of the moms in the "get a job" group got a job, I don't have a tribe. Some of them have gotten busier with other parts of their lives and found new tribes, which is understandable. Some of these women are still my friends, and I still enjoy their company. Yet, I miss our common purpose from when we were volunteering, as common purpose is what made us a tribe.

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