Saturday, March 3, 2018

"50 Candles" and Dishwasher Soap

Last week, my husband took off work as the kids were on Mid-Winter Break. Jack, the Boy and Claire-Adele were going to ski while I was at work. Plans changed when the Boy broke his collarbone, but Jack already had the time off scheduled. While he was home, he attempted to do more around the house, like vaccumming. One morning before I left for work, he asked--verbatim--

"Where do you buy dishwasher soap?"

I want his life. I wish I could have lived a life where I don't know where to buy dishwasher soap.

"That's not what I mean," he said. "I mean do they sell it at QFC* or just at Bartell's?"

Still, I want his life. I told a friend at work the story and he asked what kind of soap we use.

"Some organic kind that doesn't have a bunch of toxic chemicals," I said.

"Fancy dishwasher soap," he said. "That's harder to find."

"Nope. We've bought the same soap for years. It's not like I switched to this last week."

Later that afternoon, I was reading "Fifty Candles" by Wendy Aarons on McSweeny's. This is where Sam from Sixteen Candles hits the halfcentury mark. I haven't turned the corner on fifty yet, but I'm close enough that my turn-signal is on. I almost died laughing when I got to the end.

Or, in my life "Good luck trying to figure out where to buy dishwasher soap."

The following weekend, I was at the grocery store and bought the dishwasher soap. I took a picture for future reference.

* aka Kroger

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