Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Turning the Page

I started my new job Monday! Woohoo! 

I am exhausted--totally wiped out--and it's only Tuesday.

I dragged myself to Damn the Weather for lunch, my usual Tuesday lunch spot, where the owner asked me how I was doing, and I told him.

"It takes a lot of energy to turn the page," he said.

How true.

I am taking a job in other department in the same company, so the page turned very slowly. I didn't have the usual job change ritual of turning in my old badge and laptop, and then a few days later getting a new ones, like getting a new backpack and notebooks for the first day of school. Due to a massive enterprise-wide project, everyone on my team was booked before I left, so no good-bye lunch or happy hour. I am still in the same cubicle for two more weeks. It is like, "Have fun in 4th grade, but you are going to sit in the 3rd grade until October. The teacher will swing by and give you the lessons. Please ignore everything else." 


I am sure I'll feel less tired soon enough.

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