Saturday, August 17, 2024


My friend K invited me to use her extra ZooTunes ticket this week to see Built to Spill and Yo La Tengo at the Woodland Park Zoo this week. This falls into the MadLibs category of "I can't believe I've lived in Seattle for twenty years and have never _________."

This week's response: Been to ZooTunes at the Woodland Park Zoo.

TBH, that is one of the wonderful things about Seattle. I have lived here for so long and have done so many things and still there are new things to find.

I had never heard of either band, but it was fun. The music was cool but my favorite part of people watching. Now that I live downtown, I see many tourists and I don't see as many Seattleites in the wild as I did when I lived in Northeast Seattle. I was teasing K that we should hand out awards to people. Here are the categories:

  • Coolest t-shirt
  • Funniest t-shirt
  • Best dancing
  • Best baseball hat
  • Nicest picnic blanket
  • Best food spread
  • Cutest water bottle
  • Most adorable family
  • Most interesting/creative visible tattoo

"But then we'd have to bring prizes," said K. I was initially thinking we could give away stickers, but maybe we could bring a bouquet of flowers from the market and let people pick one.

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