Thursday, January 30, 2025

Innies, Outies and the Hot Guy from Brazil

I am watching Severance, an Apple TV series staring Adam Scott. It is sci-fi thriller about a guy who chooses to have his work life and his personal life severed. The Lumon corporation performs surgery on the brains of their employees so they have no recollection of their home life at work, or their work life at home. They even have names for these two sides of themselves: the "Innies" are who they are at work, and the "Outies" (not to be confused with Audi's) are who they are at home.

The reason I know about this show is because the New Yorker and the New York Times have been pumping it. I've read just enough about the show to be curious but I am trying not to read too much to avoid spoilers. Which there have been a few so far, which sucks. But anyway.

Severance is creepy as fuck. I both love it and hate it. I've only watched two episodes of Season 1 and I don't want to watch it alone because it is scary. I read the end of the NYT review and it said the scariest part of the show are the two parts of our personality hiding within ourselves.

Which brings me to the hot guy from Brazil.

A week ago, I went out dancing with some friends at the Crocodile. It was an ABBA danced themed party, which was attended by 

  • people who own the entire ABBA discography on vinyl and were disappointed that Mamma Mia! didn't include "Fernando," and
  • younger people who wanted to party and dress up like a caricatures from the 1970's.

Last night on the floor, I saw a guy--the above mentioned hot Brazilian--I met once via a dating app. This was the first time I've seen someone I met via an app out in the wild. It was surreal. A majority of the people I've met online I've gone out with once, maybe twice. 

This hot Brazilian is younger than me by enough that I would get a big punch in my cougar card, but he is old enough to have a successful career. In his profile, he said he liked to dance and go to clubs, which I thought was fun. He was also an aerospace engineer, so I figured he was, ya know, kinda smart. Hot, sexy, smart, likes to dance, and has an accent? Bingo!

So I met him for a beer in a restaurant in SLU. I don't even remember when, maybe last spring? And the date was dull. He was a nice enough guy, but the conversation didn't flow. The aerospace engineer showed up on the date, not the dance party guy. I met this guy's Innie, his LinkedIn profile, not his Instagram Outie.*

Nevertheless, it was interesting to see this guy's Outie dancing. He is about 6'2'', so he stands out in the crowd. He and his all male posse were wearing sunglasses, which I guess is a thing to do in a club? It took me a good ten or fifteen minutes to determine if this was the same guy I met last spring. There was no way I was going to go up and say hello. "Remember me from one date last spring?" No. 

Halfway into the might, some twenty-something chick came up to him and they were making out on the dance floor. While he was wearing his sunglasses. Then one of his minions came up to me and asked me to dance. I was like "Nope."

The thing that puzzles me is how this night club player was same guy pinged me on a dating app. Seriously. I don't understand why he bothered to match with me and ask me out. Maybe he thought his Innie and my Innie would hit it off. Oh well. It is a mystery.

* I stole this comparison from the NYT.

Note: I am writing about a guy I met online, but I am 99.99% sure there is no way he or any of his friends would ever read this. Ever. And if they did, I am not sure they would connect the dots.

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