Sunday, May 13, 2018

Ali Wong: My Hero, Part I

This weekend, I watched Ali Wong's Baby Cobra on Netflix, which was released on Mother's Day in 2016.

The woman is brilliant. She is my new hero.

I don't follow comedy, but aside from the obvious part about making people laugh, the woman is a genius storyteller. Her act had a complete narrative, that tied together beautifully--and hilariously--and truthfully--at the end. All of the threads braid together.

Warning: Ali is crude and crass. On a scale from one to ten, she is in the mid-fifties for grossness. She would make Dan Savage blush. I have to remember not to quote her at work, because I will get fired. And if I didn't get fired for quoting her, I probably should get fired because it could potentially cause a toxic work environment and I wouldn't want to work in a place where someone of the opposite gender could say the same shit to me. (She talks about dating white men "absorbing their privilege and entitlement...") And also, may favorite lines are from the end, and I won't want to be a marplot and give away the ending, which is awesome.  #Beentheredonethat. She married a Harvard MBA, I married a doctor. Our plot points are different, but the gist is the same. Same shit, different degree.

Her new show is released today, Mother's Day 2018. I heard about it from, oh, everywhere. She got front page, above the fold photo in the Sunday New York Times Arts & Leisure section last week. She trumped Benedict Cumberbatch, who is awesome, which means Ali is more awesome than Sherlock Holmes.

So how did I not hear about her two years ago, when I was laid up recovering from my torn ACL? Seriously. I had de nada going on then and I had countless hours to devote to Netflix et al.

Anyhow, I can't wait to watch her new special later today. Even if it isn't as awesome as her last special, she is still my hero.

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