Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Snow is Getting Real

It snowed about six inches Friday and it snowed about four inches this afternoon. The snow was predicted to start at 4:00, and right on schedule like a Swiss train, it started to snow. It is supposed to snow more later this week.

When the snow started, it was tiny flurries and there was only expected to be one inchced of accumulation. Wrong.

I am not excited about this.

I wonder when we are going to melt, if ever. Of course, it will warm up, but then it will re-freeze leaving everything covered in a sheet of ice.

Jack and I got out to shovel the sidewalks. At least, I haven't hurt my back or anything else while cleaning up the snow. I remember when I grew up in the midwest, there were men who would shovel snow and drop dead from heart attacks. These were guys who hadn't lifted anything heavier than a beer over the previous year and then they would go out and do a cardio/weight lifting combo in the cold. No wonder they keeled over.

I am raedy for this to be over.

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