Saturday, April 4, 2020

I Miss You

If you are reading this, please know that I miss you. If you are not reading this, please know that I miss you, too.

To the baristas at the coffee shops, I miss you.

To the people on the bus (when I used to ride the bus), I miss you. Sometimes I'd talk to neighbors. Sometimes I'd talk to strangers who then became friends.

I miss my neighbors. I miss stopping to talk to people when I walk Fox.

I miss seeing my co-workers. I miss going to coffee and going to lunch. I miss sitting next to them in meetings and reading body language.

I miss meeting people after work for a beer.

I miss meeting people for dinner.

I miss yoga classes, Zumba classes, any classes.

I miss walking with my friends to walk Green Lake or to get coffee with my old friends, with my new friends.

I miss you.

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