Friday, June 26, 2020

Working from Home and Homing from Work

Like many people during this coronavirus season, I've been working from home for the past four months. Or, homing from work. Sometimes I can't tell.

Overall, my job has been fine, with a few bumps as my team learns to work remotely. We recently had a mini re-organization of our roles, which for the most part has been okay. A few toes have been stepped on and there have been a few bruised egos. Most of the toe-stepping and ego bruising might have lessened had we been working face-to-face. There was an article in Medium or Harvard Business Review (they are so the same, right?) about how to successfully work remotely. I didn't read it and I probably should. I would hope it covers how co-workers can emotionally support each other while working remotely. I am not talking about holding hands and talking about feelings. I am talking about being moderately sensitive and not being a jerk.

Yesterday was a rough day at the home office. The rough day actually started two weeks ago. Each day, tensions rose and by Thursday, I was about to lose my shit. I was so glad to go home at the end of the day, but I was already home, so...I was glad to stop working?

The hard part was that I couldn't physically leave the office and go back to my sanctuary because my office and my sanctuary are the same place. I can see how people enjoy not commuting and eating lunch in their own kitchen, but I prefer different spaces for different tasks. I want to socially and physically distance from my job at the end of the day, and I couldn't because the space is the same. I am lucky enough that I have a nook where I work that is separate from the rest of my condo--not in my living room, dining room, or kitchen. But walking down the stairs at the end of the days wasn't enough to cut the edge off.

I suppose I am lucky that it took four months to get here instead of having this happen on week two.

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