Sunday, January 30, 2022

192 Degrees

I had a dream the other night that I was listening to a weather report that said the temperature in Chicago was 192 degrees. My first thought was "I hope my grandmother doesn't die in this weather," but when I woke up I remembered my grandmother had died years ago. 

Then I thought about Elon Musk and his rocket ships, built with the intent that we on earth can someday find another home as the environment here evolves into something that potentially could not sustain human life in future generations. 

While I applaud his efforts for electric cars, I question the spaceship plan. How are we going to get billions of people a new home on Mars? That is quite the dream. Would it be workable? Doable? 

My mind switched up and got a case of science fiction. What if we built tunnels and homes underground as a way to sustain life on a planet that is falling apart. I don't want to become a mole person, but we could potentially live underground during times of extreme heat and extreme cold, and come to the surface during more moderate times. We could build places that would withstand potential flooding. There are subway tunnels that go under rivers--we could build places that would withstand temporary lakes forming above. We could protect people potentially from forest fires as well. We'd have to figure out underground agriculture. Maybe we would eat lots of potatoes. Would people want to live like this, underground? How many people would say "Screw it" and go out and bake to death in the 190 degree temps instead of living with no sun for months at a time? 

We've already lived under quarantine. How far would humans go for survival? Is the pandemic practice for future things to come?

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