Saturday, January 7, 2023

C-bus and Brigadoon

My father and I buried my mother a week ago, and I am still in Ohio, as life returns to normal. We had a big post-funeral road bump when my father became ill with an infection. I've had three people say it is normal to get sick after a stressful event. The immune system is in overdrive when we are under pressure. As soon as we relax, so do our internal defenses and wham--germs have a field day.

I'd been driving my dad back and forth to the hospital, listening to the radio in Columbus, now called "C-bus" by teens, hipsters and newscasters. Either "Columbus" is too hard to pronounce or more likely, Ohioans discovered their namesake Christopher Columbus was exceptionally violent man, inclined to torture and pedophilia, much more so than other European explorers who sailed across oceans hundreds of years ago.

So am driving around C-bus, listening to the radio. My dad has news radio dialed in in his car, and damn it I wanted to listen to music. I found five or six stations, and each was playing songs from when I was in middle school, high school or college, or earlier.

It was like I driving in Brigadoon, where C-bus radio was trapped in the past by a few decades. It is as if when I left, the radio stations stayed the same. Eighty percent of the songs were by groups like Culture Club, Phil Collins, Van Halen, Aerosmith, AC/DC, and a bunch of one hit wonders, like 'Til Tuesday. I heard one song each from Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran. That was it. I wanted to start taking notes, tracking the songs and the every, and then conducting some kind of analysis to see if my intuition it rooted in fact. 

My senior year of high school, the school musical was Brigadoon. Where they trying to tell me something, like you can leave, but we will never change? Is my hometown like a fictional Scottish village that appears once a century?

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