Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Head, the Heart and the Pussy

I am still here, "single as a Pringle" as my daughter has said.

What am I looking for in a partner? What does this search entail? I am not so much looking for "The One," but rather someone my head, my heart and my pussy can all agree, which is easier said than done. Think of this like aligning chakras, but three instead of seven.

What does the head want? So many things. She is the pickiest of the bunch. She wants someone who is curious about the world, from reading books, knowing what is going on in the world, traveling, has hobbies, whatever. Curiosity doesn't mean busybody. They can be quiet and still and still be curious. She wants someone I can spend ten hours on a train with and get along and have a decent conversation. She wants a guy who is financially responsible. She has to be careful not to let her ego get in the way, and pick a guy because he has a cool car, but seriously, a cool car is a plus.

The pussy wants someone who is fuckable. Hot, reasonably fit*, smells nice, not a douchebag. She is pretty simple, basic animal attraction in play here.

The heart, she is the most tender, the most vulnerable. She often takes a backseat while the pussy and the brain are duking in out. Her voice is the softest, the quietest, and is often heard last. She has to rise above the clatter of her other two sisters. She wants someone who is kind, compassionate and caring.

* Fit can vary. My ex was a Division I swimmer when I met him, but I can't compare a college athlete to a middle aged guy with a desk job.

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