Friday, December 6, 2013

Three Things I am Afraid of

(I suppose the title should be "Three Things of Which I am Afraid."  Sorry, Grammar Zealots.)

Stephen King wrote a list of the top ten things people are afraid of, with things like spiders and the dark on the list.  (I'll have to look up the list.)  In addition to meeting grizzly bears, black bears, and/or brown bears in the wild,* here are three things of which I am afraid.

-- Migraine headaches
-- Depression
-- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

I am afraid of other things, too, like someone I love getting hit by a car, but this list contains the three things for today.  Like a car accident, these three could strike at any time, with little known reason for the cause, and no simple or readily accessible cure.  People have to suffer to an extended period of time with these three before people start seriously thinking about treatment, and in the meantime, life would be pretty miserable.

I almost fear speaking their names, in case the gods or fates are watching and decide to afflict me.  All three would be like being trapped inside of Sartre's version of hell in No Exit, minus the companionship.  Maybe it would be the isolation I would fear, that others wouldn't been locked in with me, that I'd be in my own orbit of misery, without anyone to connect to or with.  Which begs Sartre's question in No Exit, "L'enfer, c'est les autres," or "Hell is other people."  I'd rather have company, thank you.

* I am also afraid of the grizzly bears at the Woodland Park Zoo.  Have you seen that moat?  Don't you think a grizzly could get a nice run going and fly over it?  Yeah.  I do.  I get hives when I walk past it.

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