Wednesday, December 11, 2013


My thoughts are fleeting
Escaping from my head
As fast as they come in.

It is not quite haiku, but close.  I find that my memory isn't as robust as it used to be, especially in the short-term capacity.  The hard part is that I remember that I have forgotten certain things, as things like names and the time of my daughter's next soccer game and its location slip away.  I knew I knew it moments ago.

Pen and paper are
My saving grace
Telling where to go
And what to do.

The New York Times had a series on Writers on Writing back in the 1990's.  One of the writers (I can't remember who, but I could google it, I suppose) said to write down good ideas the moment they come to mind, as they are ephemeral and will float away.  I finally understand his point.

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