Friday, December 6, 2013


This Christmas, I want my kids get to get less.  I don't mean I should look at how much money I spent last year, and then only spend 60% of that.  No.  I mean I would like them to come out of Christmas with less stuff than before they started.  I am not sure how to accomplish this.  We tried a garage sale this fall, but as my hair dresser said, it was a fail.  (I'll write about the garage sale soon.)  We don't have a large house, so that limits our consumption.  Still, I feel like we have more stuff than we need.

Actually, by having less, we'd gain extra space in our small house.  A friend of mine just unloaded one of her daughter's large toys, and was delighted to see the floor.  Then her architect husband went out and brought a large printer, which took up an equal amount of square footage.  Sometimes, you can't win.

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