Friday, November 7, 2014

Love is like a Rechargeable Battery...

I was thinking that love is like a rechargeable battery.  There are lots of metaphors for love.  Some people think of it as a vessel, others a bank account.  I like the idea of a rechargeable battery.  If you don't continually plug it in or nurture it, it will die.  I suppose one could die of thirst if a water container was empty, or one could be out in the cold if the bank account zeroed out and you couldn't pay rent.  But a battery just stops.

One nice thing about batteries that love doesn't have is a meter.  I can read my phone and laptop to see how much charge I have before it runs down.  (I rarely let my devices get below 70% of a full battery.)  Love doesn't come with a charge level.  It would be nice if it did.

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