Saturday, December 26, 2015

Skiing Accident, Part 2

It has been one week since my accident.  I have gone to two doctors and when I return from vacation, I will have an MRI to see if I have a torn ACL.  My knee is still swollen, but I can move it and bear a little bit more weight.  I have a new leg brace which bends at the knee.

Crutches are a pain in the ass. While they help me amble about the house, I have traded use of my hands and arms to walk.  The first morning after the accident, it took me what felt like forever to have a cup of tea, a bowl of yogurt with granola and an orange for breakfast.  That is it took forever to get to the table to sit down before I could eat.  I couldn't just carry the bowl with yogurt to the table.  I have to get the yogurt our of the fridge, put it in my bag, get the granola out of the pantry, put it in the bag, get a spoon, put it in the bag, until I had every thing ready.  Then I could go to the table and finally eat. The hardest part was making tea. I have to get water in the kettle, and then bring the kettle to the heat.  I also had to clean my travel tea mug.  I have to use my travel tea mug as I cannot place a regular ceramic tea cup in my bag without it spilling and making a ginormous mess.

The best Christmas present I got this year: a gift bag from my neighbor Ashley. I've been using the bag to carry things (food, books, my travel tea mug, etc.) around the house. Yay!
I am still using crutches, and I have not managed the art of climbing stairs.  These are the bane of my existence.  As much as I'd like to go outside, I am having to climb up and down the stairs on my butt, using a reverse push-up. It is even worse when it is raining and the steps are wet.  Yesterday, I tied one of Jack's old jackets around my waist so my bottom wouldn't get wet as I bounced up the steps.

Seventeen of these bad boys plus an extra five to get up to the porch.

While I am feeling rather useless not having full use of my arms as well as one of my legs, I am grateful that my disability is temporary and not permanent one. I am also grateful for everyone who helped advocate for the Americans with Disabilities Act.  My disability may be temporary but I am really grateful for ramps and elevators.

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