Tuesday, June 18, 2019

And Now for Something Completely Different, or #SelfCare

Tonight I went out to dinner.  #selfcare. By myself. I am getting used to this. I bring a book and either ask for a table for one or I sit at the counter. I could say I sit at the bar, but that often doesn't imply there is a full menu.

Anyhow, tonight I went to Google Maps and clicked "Restaurants Near Me." There are a million restaurants downtown, some of which are super posh and expensive (see Maxilmilien or Sushi Kashiba) and some of which really touristy with mediocre food (not gonna name names). I'm looking for something in the middle--good food that is not outrageously priced that I will want to go back to again. Likewise, there a dozens of restaurants down here. I want to try new places instead of always going back to the same place again and again.

Tonight, I found The Hart and the Hunter on Pike. I've walked by this place a hundred times and never noticed it. (Thank you, Google Maps for the help.) The restaurant is attached to a hotel. The waiter asked if I was a guest.

"No, I'm a neighbor," I said and he gave me 10% off. Sweet!

Anyway, it is nice to write about something banal instead of writing about my angst-ridden life. On that topic, I was out and about with friends last week and for the first time in a million years, I talked about myself--not Jack, not the Boy, not work--me. It was so strange, I almost had forgotten who I was.

Jack and I are going to Parents Wellness Weekend--nevermind. Not going there tonight.

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