Monday, September 30, 2019

Montana Driving

I made it to Montana yesterday afternoon, in spite of the major winter weather storm that hit the state. I saw the snow fly, but none of it stuck to the road. Still, it was a little scary to be driving on narrow, winding, unfamiliar roads in winter conditions. I am a moderately aggressive driver from years of driving in the city. I kind of cringe when I see out of state license plates driving the wrong way down a one way street, or making a left turn from the right lane because they don't know where they are going. I had one out of town driver treat an intersection on Ravenna Blvd once as a round-about, when it isn't. He plowed through the intersection, and honked and swore at me because I didn't stop. I didn't stop because it isn't a roundabout and in my fifteen years of living in Seattle, I have never seen anyone stop there.

What is the point of me complaining about out of state drivers? In Montana, I am that idiot driver who is probably making everyone else batshit crazy. Someone Montana has a blog out there who is writing about how awful drivers with Washington plates are. "Why can't she drive ninety miles an hour like the rest of us?" they are probably complaining.

Anyway, Montana is god's country. It is amazingly beautiful, with beauty I didn't see from flying to Kalispell twice before. I didn't get the full glory because of the low clouds, but man mother nature is impressive out here. I don't have any pictures because I was driving, so you will have to trust me. I am shocked that I have never driven out east this far before. I've been to New Zealand to see spectacular natural beauty, when instead I could have hopped in the car and hit the road for eight hours.

I'll be driving more today, so I don't know if I'll get any photos this trip. I'll figure something out.

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