Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Freezer

After my last blog post, I was curious about these online food subscription services. I went to the Daily Harvest website and started poking around. I had a $25 coupon so I thought what the heck. I'll give it a try.

I picked the fourteen item plan and filled my cart* with miso soup, oat bowls and smoothies. All of it will delivered next Wednesday! Yay! The fine print said it would be good to be home during the delivery so I can pop everything in the freezer. That's no problem in the work-from-home world. I clicked the confirm button and then a picture popped up of a woman with her arms spread out showing all of the stuff she ordered. 

Oh shit. 

That is a lot of boxes and my freezer is crammed full of food I've been hoarding since the beginning of the quarantine.

Now I am trying to go through and eat my frozen homemade chili and soups and whatnot. I started with the biggest containers and will take it from there. 

I will see how this works out. I am mostly excited about not eating the same stuff day after day. I am looking forward to variety. I'll keep you posted.

* Will people 150 years from now know where the word for internet shopping "cart" came from? Will they know it was named after a large metal basket with wheels that people used to drive through "grocery stores" or "Target"?

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