Wednesday, March 30, 2022

My Dog is Brave. Or Stupid. But Probably Brave.

Tonight, I was getting ready for bed. Fox was downstairs and started barking. I am guessing he heard a noise in the courtyard. I called for him to come upstairs, but he didn't come. He wanted to stay by the patio door. 

I went downstairs to see what was up, and Fox was looking out the door, focusing. I debated whether to let him outside to see what it was. The courtyard has rabbits, so I thought maybe he was barking at those. (There are a few rats in the courtyard as well. One of Seattle's nickname is Rat City, so yeah. Rats.)

Against my better judgment, I decided to let Fox outside to see what the fuss was about. I shut the patio door behind him. If the boogey man or a rat were outside, I didn't want them coming inside my condo.

Therein lies the difference between Fox and I. When he hears a strange noise, he wants to check it out. When I hear a strange noise, I want to hide and stay safe. Is Fox brave or stupid? Am I a coward? Should I be investigating the noises I hear, or should I hide under the covers?

"Discretion is the better part of valor." My mom quoted this all of the time when I was growing up. There are times we should explore, and there are times we need to hold the fort down.

When I think of where I have been over the past few years, I wonder how many metaphorical noises I have heard, but ignored, when perhaps I should have explored them a little bit deeper. Some of the noises were quiet whispers, telling me something wasn't right. Other noises pointed me in a direction that I didn't want to go. 

Perhaps I need to be a little bit more like my dog, and explore the noises. I doesn't mean I near to follow every bump, but I can check them out more often than I do now.

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