Sunday, October 2, 2022

It Takes a Village


I did it. 

I made the skirt.

In 2015, I fell in love with these matching peacock fabrics. I know how to quilt, but not make clothes. I bought a pattern so I could make something to wear out of this whimsical material.

Today, I finished the skirt. I didn't do it alone. I had quite a bit of help and cheering from a bunch of friends. I am in a sewing circle where the women helped me to measure and cut the fabric so I could maximize the peacocks. Another friend helped me finished the waist. 

Why did it take me so long?

I loved this fabric, and I was terrified that I would ruin it, that I would cut the fabric all wrong. My fear kept me paralyzed. I wish I had bought the whole bolt of fabric so I could screw up ten times and start over. But I didn't buy the whole bolt. I bought enough fabric for one skirt. That was all. I was afraid to start.

So I asked for help.

It took three sessions with my sewing circle to work on this. At the first session, I showed them the fabric and pattern. At the next session, I cut the fabric. At the last one, I started sewing it up. Today, I added the elastic to the waist and sewed the bottom hem.

Is it perfect or exactly how I imagined it to be? Not all all. I expected a slimmer, sleeker skirt. Instead, this is full and bouncy, longer than I planned. The hem comes to my mid-calf, ballet length. It is good enough? Yes. I can wear this to my dance group.

Is done better than perfect? 


"Done" gives me the time and space and freedom to work on my next project.


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