Sunday, July 21, 2024

Da Bear

I can't watch it. 

I want to watch it, but I can't.

I was going to sit down tonight and watch it, but instead I took out the compost and recycling, and then I saw some weeds in the courtyard that needed to be yanked...

In other words, I am doing chores to avoid watching television. 

What will I do next, read book? Walk the dog?

I saw the star of the show, Jeremy Allen White, interviewed on Colbert, and I thought I need to check this show out. I got my Disney+/Hulu/ESPN subscription and started watching The Bear.

The show is too intense, but maybe it would be less intense if it wasn't that I could be related to these people. These characters could be in my family. I could be related to Carmen and Sugar Berzatto. They could be my cousins.

But the show is intense. It is rated MA for language and graphic violence. Fuck. I don't want to watch people getting stabbed or beat up! These people are working in a kitchen, which is like the most dangerous place in a home. I mean there is fire and sharp things. They say a woman's place is in the kitchen, but good god why? Is is because women are less likely to kill or main people with a pot of boiling water? Look at Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. The most horrifying scene in that movie was in the kitchen. (The second was in the bathroom.) "Look at mommy in the kitchen. Look at the big knife she has!" If people walked around outside of a kitchen with knives and fire, they'd be arrested. 

To summarize: Kitchens are dangerous and scary places. As such, this show is scary.

I have no idea how it got nominated as a comedy in the Emmy's unless someone really fucked up and checked the wrong box somewhere along the lines and everyone then was like "Yeah, we got roll with this comedy thing. Can't go back and admit somebody made a mistake."

So I spent the last half hour of my life googling the cast and watching them interviewed on late night television.

What else can I do so I don't watch this show I really want to watch?

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