Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Beast of Burden Bag

When my family used to take trips when I was younger, my mom used to carry along a giant purse.  She carried everything in this bag -- books, toilet paper, sunscreen, and anything we might possibly need.  She would also find things also the ways -- souvenirs, if you will-- and put them in the bag.  By the end of the trip, the purse usually weighed ten pounds.

The peak was when we were in Washington, D.C. and my mom found a rock the size a large potato on the street.  "Oh, look! A rock!" and she put it in her bag.  It was a city rock, not some rare specimen found in some exotic mountain with wide assortment of minerals.  This was a leftover construction, concrete rock.  My brother teased her mercilessly.  He coined the phrase "Beast of Burden Bag."

Thirty years later, I have my own Beast of Burden Bag.  Contents:  wallet, passports, sunglasses, travel books, pens, note pad, and extra shopping bags, plus whatever else I find along the way.

My Beast of Burden Bag.

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