Sunday, February 28, 2016

Post-Op, Day 2

This is the second full day after my surgery. Today is the day that hurts. Yesterday, I was fine bopping around the house. I could walk without crutches, and I felt fine. I took one pain pill in the morning, and was fine for most of the day.  After dinner, I began to feel a little sore. I think the swelling my knee was starting to increase, which then caused discomfort. Last night, I couldn't sleep too well and got a pain pill in the middle of the night to help me sleep.

What is the point of this? I felt better the day the surgery and the day after the surgery than I feel today. Argh. I hope this is the nadir, because it isn't fun. I am not in pain per se, but my leg prefers to be still instead of moving. I hope this gets better soon, or I might go crazy.

Today was a pretty slow day for the family. Jack and I did a crossword puzzle, and the whole family watched The Martian with Matt Damon. It has been pretty much a sit around and do nothing kind of day.

Fox keeping me company.

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