Monday, June 13, 2016

World Romance

I was reading my Lonely Planet's French Phrasebook & Dictionary the other day to brush up on my French. In the "Social" chapter, they have a section on "Romance." I find this odd, as I did when I was listening to the Pimsleur CD's and they had a conversation discussing "When will your husband be back?"


Why do I find this odd? I can see how people who don't speak the same language can fall in love, but I assume that one of them speaks the other language, at least a little bit. This book has phrases to help you when you are in an intimate spot. Really? Do you really want to be reading a phrasebook during that time? Or, are you supposed to read it ahead of time so you can practice? How can you fall in love with someone if you can't communicate with them? What if you think they are whispering sweet nothings into your ear, and they are really saying, "You remind me of my great aunt Mildred. She smells bad and has a wart on her chin"?

This book even has the phrase "Will you marry me?" in it. Would you marry someone if they proposed to you in a language you didn't understand and you had to flip to page 129 to figure out what they said? I suppose it is good to know in case someone proposes to you in France. You don't want to nod along and answer yes to everything even if you don't understand.

While in one sense I can't imagine how someone could fall in love (maybe lust) with someone with whom they share about twenty vocabulary words, might it be easier? There would be little to fight about, and if you wanted to fight, you really couldn't. But could it last?

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