Sunday, July 7, 2019

Regular Maintenance v High Maintence

I am sitting in Dulles waiting for my flight to leave in a much better place than when I left Seattle. I did shed a few tears while I was eating breakfast, but I was far less a mess than I was Thursday morning. I visited my friend Melissa and last night we were in a Spanish tapas bar laughing, eating paella and drinking sangria. It was awesome but I am tired from staying up late talking to Melissa. I am planning to sleep on the plane. I can barely keep my eyes open right now. In one sense, you are lucky I am happy tired. This will be a very short post.

As I was eating breakfast at the airport, I started thinking about my marriage and relationship as a car.   Men (and women) have this bad habit of defining partners and potential partners as "high maintenance" or "low maintenance." It is assumed that one is need to too much attention, the other needs too little.

I had a little epiphany while eating my scrambled eggs. "High Maintenance" and "Low Maintenance" put the burden on the woman for having needs, which is bullshit. What I want in a relationship is "Regular Maintenance." I want regular care and attention from my partner. I don't want a Hail Mary pass when the clock is running out, trying to save it because he finally realizes I am upset.

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