Sunday, February 7, 2021

The Bird and the Window

There is a large rosemary hedge outside of my dining room window and in this hedge is a bird. I don't know what kind of bird -- it looks like a large, red sparrow. For the past two days, this bird flies into the window and bonks its head. Two minutes later, it flies into the window with a thunk again. And again. And again. I am not thrilled about this mainly because I don't want to go outside on my patio and see the little bird lying there dead with a broken neck from smashing into the window after the 73rd time.

This little bird fits the definition of insanity: trying the same thing again and again, expecting different results. 

But is this little bird really crazy, or insane? Is the little bird stupid?

I don't think so. I think it is something else.

I would say the bird is blind, but the bird's vision is fine.

The problem isn't really the bird as much as it is the glass. The bird can't see the glass in the window. The bird see "nothing" and it wants to fly into my dining room. Why it wants to go into my dining room is beyond me. Maybe it is building a nest and wants to check out the neighborhood. I don't know.

At times, I feel like this little bird, flying into panes of glass I can't see. All of my logic and good sense tells me I should be able to fly through the window, and then I am shocked and sore and angry and dumbfounded when I bang my head and crash to the ground.  

WTF? I think. Why can't I fly through that space? I should be able to fly through that space, but I can't. Why not? I am flying the way I usually fly. Why do I keep banging my head and crashing to the ground? What is wrong with me? What am I doing wrong?

There is nothing wrong with me per se. I can see fine. I am not crazy. I am not stupid. Instead, it is the combo of me and the glass together that is the problem. Just because I can't see the glass, doesn't mean it isn't there. I sense and feel the glass every time I hit it, and every time I am surprised.

If I know the glass is there, if I admit the glass is there, maybe then I can stop trying to fly in that space. I can fly someplace else where I won't get so banged up and bruised.

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