Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Who Do I Want to be When I Grow Up?

Since I have finished my volunteer job last summer, I have been wondering what the next step is.  In a previous post,  I wished I could be a ballerina.  I know that is a bit unrealistic given my age and lack of training and talent.

Now, I've decided I want to be Tina Fey or Suze Orman.

Tina Fey is one of the funniest women ever.  I read her book Bossypants and nearly suffocated from laughing so hard.  My favorite part was about "Growing Up and Liking It," a pamphlet on puberty that I too had read in 5th grade in 1970-something.  Amy Poehler would be my next choice of a comedienne.  My family loves Parks and Recreation.

The next person I want to be when I grow up is Suze Orman who gives financial advice on PBS (and other shows) and has written books about money.  I could also be Jane Bryant Quinn, another woman who helps people manage their money.  I would love to be a profession nag (in the nicest way, of course) and tell people they need to save more, get rid of their credit cards and find the lowest rate on their mortgage!  I would be really good at it.

Years ago right after our daughter was born, I asked my husband what he liked best about me.

"Your ability to manage money."  He didn't even pause to think.  This was the first thing that came to mind.

"No, seriously.  What do you like best?" I was hoping he would have said my warm smile, or my great sense of humor.  No.  He liked me for my analytical abilities.

"I am serious," he replied.  "You were able to help us figure out how we could afford to buy a house."

Okay, I know I can't be someone who already exists.  One thing that I have read about these women is that they, too, did not know who they wanted to be when they grew up.  After college, Tina manned the front desk at a YMCA branch and Suze was a waitress.  And look at how they turned out!  Maybe a period of indecision isn't a bad thing.

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