Thursday, June 12, 2014


I am pondering writing about the recent difficult times I've had in my marriage.  These past few weeks have been exceptionally hard.  There have been ups and downs and sideways and flips.  There are times I am not sure how things will turn out.  Will we stay married or not, and how will I know what call to make?

All of these things are uncomfortable.  Part of writing this blog is for me to explore the comfortable and the uncomfortable.  Life is hard and sticky and messy at times.  Why should we pretend otherwise?  And how many of us go through the same things, but just suffer in silence?

Yet, we need to be careful.  My intention here is not to air our dirty laundry or say hurtful or mean things that could cause further damage to the fragile state of the relationship.

If I only wrote about the comfortable, that would be boring.  It would also be a lie.  The goal for me to share an experience, to bring light to the dark corners of the closet.  Trust me -- there are loads of dead spiders and dust bunnies.  I don't need to show you all of them for you to understand the process.

So, here is to exploring the uncomfortable.  Wish me well.

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