Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Drama v. Blog

Alfred Hitchcock once said, "Drama is life with the dull bits cut out." I feel like my blog is life with the boring parts left in, examined, and then blown up to ten times the size it would otherwise appear in real time.

I love drama. I used to have season tickets to two theatres (Goodman and Steppenwolf)  when I lived in Chicago before I had kids. I love movies. Hitchcock's Rear Window is one of my favorites. And yet...

Small--and perhaps dull--moments make up the drama of my days, and likely the drama of many people recovering from an injury with a long-term healing process. We need the written word to describe those smaller moments that fall between the cracks, the moments that wouldn't make the cut for drama.

As I am experiencing, life can be duller, duller than we expected or hoped for. How do we survive those moments, or in my case and the case of many people recovering from injury--months of dullness while healing? That is the point of my writing for the past few months. How does one cope with and survive recovering from an injury. I don't need extra drama in my life right now. Dullness and predictability is helping me heal.

Drama may be life with the dull bits of life cut out, but these small moments need a place to be celebrated, too. In dance, small movements matter. In writing, small moments matter.

Heal well.

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