Sunday, October 5, 2014

BrickCon 2014

Yesterday I went to BrickCon.  Yay!  It is an annual Lego convention held in the Seattle Center.  We started going when the Boy was in diapers and was propped up on Jack's shoulders.  When the Boy was two to three, he watched a mechanical ball contraption for 45 minutes, mesmerized.

Here are some of the super cool creations.  Enjoy!  In the meantime, I've got to get started on my Les Miserables themed buildings for next year.

Tiger Nest Monastery.  Very cool.  150,000 bricks.

Space Needle with golden orange top.  I wonder where they got that color?

I have no idea what Mouse Guard is, but this is cute and clever.

Mosaic Lego

Super cool castle.

Waiting for the Great Pumpkin.

Tardis from Dr. Who.

This one is called "Clean Up Aisle 12."  A dinosaur rampages a grocery store.

An Orca made out of mostly Duplo. 
The backside of the Tiger's Nest.

A few Lego fans.

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