Saturday, March 18, 2023

Craft Studio v Books

When I was recovering from my ACL repair surgery several years ago, I read a lot. 

Like, three or four books a week. One book I read in less than twenty-four hours.

Was it bliss, having nothing else to do but read? 


It was nice, but hard to say.

In this recovery, I've almost sworn off books. I didn't want to read. Instead, I've focused on creating. I turned my home office into a craft studio where I make adorable little animals and whatnot.

Ta da!

This week, I got desperate and opened a book. The first three chapters were brilliant, simply riveting.

Then, I got to the flashback of the main character's mother's death, right before he gets his very damaged foot amputated.


Not exactly a beach read. Now I remember why I swore off books during my recovery. 

Part of me wants to go back to reading, as I imagine I've already hit the bleakest and most depressing part less than halfway through the book. The rest of the story has to be up from that, right? Could it get worse?

Eventually, I'll let you know. In the meantime, back to sewing...

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