Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Bath, Hunger and Diet

Last night, I took a bath. I love baths. I love adding various kinds of salts and bubbles to baths, too. I am a big fan of the Lush bath bombs. After my skiing accident, I took a warm bath almost every day. Now, I am not supposed to take a bath before six weeks after the surgery. The medical team wants to make sure my incisions have sufficiently closed up and water can't leak into my knee and cause an infection. I can shower, but they don't want the leg submerged. I put only a few inches of water in the tub, and bent my left leg so it wouldn't be underwater. It wasn't quite the same as a full bath, but it was good enough. I am looking forward Friday when I can take a regular bath. I'll have to clean the tub first, or get someone in my house to do it. (See previous post.)

I had physical therapy this morning, and afterwards I did one of my daily workouts. After working on my knee for a total of ninety minutes, I was starving. I ate a decent breakfast, but I was as hungry as I might be after doing a long hike. I can't be burning that many calories doing squats and riding a stationary bike. Evan talks about the extra metabolism in my leg that is occurring while I am healing, but I am not sure that equates to wanting to eat so much.

I think my weight has stabilized, but I am not sure since I haven't stepped on a scale, nor do I want to. (I think I gained about fifteen pounds since my skiing accident.) I am not sure how much fluid in my knee would add to my weight. It probably isn't a significant amount, and the addition of fluid is probably offset by the atrophy of my left thigh which is now two cm smaller than my right thigh.

I could go on a diet, but I am not sure a major reduction in calorie intake would be healthy at this point. I had friends who have had lost significant weight by cutting out certain foods in their diet. One friend lost 35 pounds by eliminating all sugar from her diet. I had another friend who lost weight though diet and exercise--and not drinking alcohol. She looks like a smaller person.

I am not sure what I can cut of my diet. I don't eat much sugar and I drink maybe once a week, if that much. Potato chips? Fries? Lunch?

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