Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Drastic Measures

I've decided I am going to cut down on my salt intake for the next few days to see if that helps reduce the swelling in my knee. Compared to the average American, I don't eat that much salt. I don't binge at McDonald's or other fast food places, and we avoid processed foods at home. I drink tea every day, green tea at least twice a week, which should hopefully reduce inflammation. I don't know if green tea will help my knee, but I don't think it can hurt.

At the opposite end of the green tea spectrum are potato chips. I love potato chips, even though I know they have almost no nutritional value. I think I inherited this from my mom. She would drive to another suburb to buy Yoo-Hoo potato chips. They had grease pockets in hem. Today, I had a turkey sandwich on whole wheat toast for lunch, which is fine, but I need to have something crunchy with such a soft food. Cheese and crackers go together, as do hummus and carrots.

I was at the little coffee/grocery store around the corner from my house, Seven Roasters Market & Cafe, when I saw this on the shelf.

I asked the barista if she had tried them. She winced. "They are still crunchy and greasy, but most people want salt with their crunchy stuff." She let me have a sample chip. It was okay. She was right about the crunchiness and the grease part.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. I bought a bag.

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