Thursday, April 28, 2016

My Lucille Ball Moment(s)

Yesterday, I was riding the stationary bike at the Y.* I am riding faster and getting more of a cardio workout, so I am sweating more. Before I left the house, I decided to add some Nuun to my water. Nuun is like Gatorade or other electrolyte sports drinks. I dropped a Nuun tablet in my bottle and left the lid off off for a few minutes while I finished getting ready. Nuun has a little effervescence, and I didn't want pressure to build up in the bottle. This bottle has an interior straw and little spout on top that pops up. I like this bottle because I don't have to unscrew a lid while I am on the bike. I just pop the button and can drink from the straw.

I get to the Y and start riding. I press the spout button on my water bottle. Even with letting it sit for five minutes, the pressure built. The Nuun water shot three feet up straight of out of the bottle like a water fountain. Before I clamped the spout back down, it sprayed about three bikes over. Lucky, those bikes and treadmills were empty. One woman behind me on an elliptical chortled, but everyone else was too busy reading a book or listening to music to witness my Lucille Ball moment.

When Jack and the Boy came home that night, I told them my story. The Boy wanted to replicate this event. He filled the bottle, added the Nuun, and went in the backyard to see what would happen. Nada. They both thought I meant the water bottle had a little spurt. No, it was a full blown spray and it covered several bikes and a few treadmills at the Y. Nevertheless, the spray at the might have been a fluke.

Disappointed, the Boy put the bottle back in the fridge. This morning, I got the bottle out to take it to the university athletic center. Before I left, I took a sip. I popped the spout up, and out sprayed the Nuun water all over the kitchen. Dang. I cleaned it up and went to work out. As I was riding the stationary bike, I popped the spout and got sprayed again.

I don't think my family is going to believe me when I tell them what happened again; yet, I am not going to add Nuun to this water bottle again. But before I do that, I am going to refill the bottle, add a Nuun, put it back in the fridge, and wait until the Boy comes home from soccer practice after school.

* This is probably the most common opening line of my blog for the past few months. It is my "It was a dark and stormy night."

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